

Centre Pompidou is one of those buildings that people either love or hate. Its like someone took a traditional building, turned it inside out, and color coded it for your enjoyment. The Centre, designed by Renzo Piano, Richard Rogers, and Gianfranco Franchini gets nothing but love from me!

The Centre's architects designed the building on the lines of an "evolving spatial diagram". The Centre Pompidou's designers aimed to maximise spatial movement and flow to foster an interdisciplinary approach.

Color-coded ducts are attached to the outside of the building: blue for air; green for fluids; yellow for electricity cables; and red for movement and flow (elevators) and safety (fire extinguishers).

Movement and flow
The priority was to maximise functional movement and flow, freeing up internal space by building the ducts and conveyance systems (stairs, elevators etc.) on the outside.


Cheryl Dunn's Everybody Street

I was digging around for some videos to post and found this nice, long 33 minute clip of Cheryl Dunn's Everybody Street which I believe encompasses the short clips I posted a few weeks back and then some. Sit back and enjoy...



How to Make a Book with Steidl

Ever wonder what it takes to make a Steidl book? Wonder no more, there's a doc for that! How to Make a Book with Steidl looks to shed some light on the workings of perhaps the world's most well-respected art-photo book publishers. Hey, they're been my favorite publisher since they picked one of my shots for the latest edition of Joel Sternfeld's Walking the High Line. You can't go wrong with a signature quote, and this film's got one. After "fuck the midtones", you gotta want to see more...


Visual Acoustics: Julius Shulman

I've been posting a lot of videos so far this year, mostly because I find them inspiring and insightful. Here's another gem.

Julius Schulman is a legend in the architectural world and one of my photographer heros. He captured the work of nearly every noted modern architect from the 1930's until his passing in 2009 and can be credited with bringing modernism to the mainstream through his images. He even beat out one of my buddies for an gig when he was nearly 98 years old! Check out the trailer for Eric Bricker's wonderful documentary Visual Acoustics: The Modernism of Julius Shulman.



Visual Life: The Sartorialist

I'm always interesting in hearing from people doing their own thing and doing it well. Here's a video about the Sartorialist.
