
World Trade Center: Down in the Pit

Here we go, starting off on a Monday morning with the real deal, photographs from the pit, the site, hallowed ground. You think you have a tough day, sitting at your desk, dozing off by 3? Imagine your office is 5 stories below street level and carpeted with mud 6" deep. You have to wear earplugs because there are dozens of mega-machines roaring away, some with wheels bigger than houses, that could tear your head off and not even notice you were there. The subway trains trundle through the site every few minutes on tracks carried above on a wild west style truss bridge, but you can't hear the trains through the whirring and whizzing of the earth movers, drills, and cranes. This is what its like on a site where no less than 3 towers, a transit hub, a museum, a cultural center, and more are being built simultaneously. There's no room for mistakes.

More from WTC next week...

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